Dear Love,
Dont you care? Youre not like you use to be. You seem like a double person: one minute you hold me and kiss me, the next we seem like we are miles apart. You complain and yell! I dont know whats going through your head. Help me out! I hate how you treat me. You seem to almost use me. You never take me out, and you only are with me, if I ask it of you. Why do you show me no compassion? You never ask how I am or tell me that you love me. You either act out of sarcasm or dont speak to me at all. You always seem to want to leave my side. I am so open and invested into this relationship and you seem to just push me out. The only time I get to see you smile is if youre joking at me. I want to see your smile because youre happy to see me, be with me. I look forward to the seconds that I spend with you. It hurts me to hear you say that you choose not to spend time with me. You dont do the things that you use to do. You dont call me, you dont invite me out, you dont listen! You almost seemed annoyed by me, embarrassed by me. Tire of me...? Ask me how my day was! Is that so hard? Enough joking around, enough lust and innuendos. Care for me, because I care about you! Stop making me cry late at night, when everyones asleep. Its like I cant catch a break without thinking that we are going in opposite directions. And when I turn around, youre gone. It hurts me to have to ignore and dismiss people, when they tell me how bad and how awful you are to me. We use to be together in everything. I feel alone now, looking like an idiot, while I meaninglessly wait for you. Why cant you love me anymore?! Why cant you show me any affection?! I hate you!
-Lost |
heart a flame
.so bad.
This hurts so bad. I want to cry. My body is shaking. I don't know what to do, to say. I don't know how to fix things, to make them better. I can't write straight. I can't think straight. My voice is wobbly. I can feel my stomach twisting. I feel sick, like I'm gonna throw up. My heart is pounding so quickly. I can't keep up. I can't sit still. I'm holding back tears. I'm so cold, so cold. I can't stand it. It hurts so bad. My muscels are soar and tired. I have chills running up and down my spine. I'm sick of music. I don't want to think anymore. I don't wanna dwell. It's eating me up inside. My heart is numb. Please... I don't wanna do this. Don't do this. It hurts....... so bad.... |
heart beat
a real victim
Take a step back. You need to take a step back. Stop touching me! We can-cant! Get away from me. Dont-Dont do that. Stay- Stop it! No no no! I want to go home. Why? Let go of me! Stop! Stop! How did I get myself into this? Youre scaring me. I am not gonna do that. Get that away from me. No! I dont want to. I dont wanna, dont wanna, no... Get off me. Ah! Youre hurting me. Youre squeezing. owe. Stop it. Please, stop. Please. I dont want to do this. Owe Owe help! I- |